Illustration föreställandes en flaska vin och ett vit vin glass.


No alcohol 48 hours before the hair transplant since alcohol is blood thinning and you can end up bleeding more during the transplant.

Illustration föreställandes ett paket cigaretter med en tänd cigarett på sidan om.


Tobacco is bad for the body’s healing process and it significantly affects the result of the hair transplant. Therefore, it is important that you start lowering the amount of smoking and using snus a week before and do not smoke or use snus 48 hours before your surgery.

Illustration föreställandes en kopp kaffe.


Caffeine acts as a blood thinner in the same way that tobacco does. Therefore, coffee should not be consumed up to 48 hours before surgery.

Illustration föreställandes en blodförtunnande i en medicin ask.

Blood-thinning medication

Do not take blood-thinning medication, such as Ibuprofen, Omega 3 or products containing acetylsalicylic acid before the hair transplant. It will cause you to bleed much more than usual.


Do not shave before you come to us. We would love to see how your hair grows naturally, if you have any swirls and so on, in that way we can create as much of a natural result as possible for you and your hair.

Illustration föreställandes en T-shirt.

Good clothes

Its good to bring a blouse or shirt that is easy to button up at the front so you do not have to pull anything over your head after your hair transplant.

Illustration föreställandes en mat talrik med mat på.

Eat a good meal

Eat a good meal before your hair transplant so that you keep the energy up during the procedure.

Illustration föreställandes en kalender med ett datum markerat.

It takes time to undergo a hair transplant

It takes time to undergo a hair transplant. Do not book anything else in during the day. It may also be nice for you to have time off for the first few days after your hair transplant.